A text object can be used to display text information in several ways. A simple text object simply displays text, while a Barcode text object displayed text in the form of a barcode. An Arc Text text object displays text in an arc. Text objects can also be used as counters, to display incrementing numbers, and can be linked to a database so the text is pulled from a database field.
To insert a text object perform the following steps:
1. Select Tool|Text or Tool|Barcode or Tool|Arc Text or Tool|Spiral Text or Tool|Radial Text or Tool|Variable Size Text
2. Click in the design area where you want to insert the object.
3. Enter the text associated with the object (for barcodes this is the barcode data). You have several options as follows:
Specify the same text for all elements
If you choose this option whatever text you enter or pick will print on all elements in your design. Use the Pick Text button to choose text from the Texts Database
Specify a List of Text
If you choose this option you enter a list of variable text (see Editing a List of Text)
Use a counter with a minimum of __ digits starting at __ inc by __
If you choose this option you specify the minimum number of digits and the starting number. Each time a counter prints it increases by the number specified after "inc by". For example, if the minimum number of digits is 5 and the starting number is 10 and inc by is 5, the first element will print 00010 and the second 00015, etc. You can specify a negative inc value to make the counter decrement.
Use a field from a database
If you choose this option you select a database to link your design to by clicking the Database button or by selecting Linked Database on the Edit menu if it is not already linked to a database (See The Linked Database Wizard)
4. Optionally use the Text Object Properties
You can change the style of the text here to display simple text (wrapped or non-wrapped), Bar Codes and Arc Text.
The default style for a text object, Text (No Wrap), causes the text to wrap only where you insert a hard line break regardless of the width of the object's bound. If you want your text to wrap to the width of the object's bound, set the style to Text (Wrap) on the Text Object Properties
Also See:
Editing an Object's Properties
Text Object Properties
General Object Properties